Deeper, More Effective Couples Therapy

Learn how to use mindfulness and the body to create new neural pathways, reduce conflict and enhance intimacy



More Effective

Frustrated at how couples therapy is doing.  Add something, new, effective, compassionate and elegantly wise to your toolbox.

How to Assess Couples

Learn how to make sense of the fast-paced action of what happens between partners using both a systemic and intrapscyhic lens.


Mindfulness Based Somatic Interventions

Using the present moment and the body adds exponentially more depth and visceral change.

Here's What You'll Learn

By taking this course today, you'll get the basics of how to incorporate experiential interventions in your therapy with couples that go easily to the heart of the matter.

This online workshop will provide both theory and practical tools to work effectively with couples, utilizing the simple elegance of mindfulness.  From assessment to intervention, we will explore how to make sense of couples’ dynamics and how to intervene compassionately and effectively at the levels of the systemic patterns as well as the individual underlying emotional wounds that play themselves out in a dyadic form.  You will learn how to help couples deepen their emotional understanding of their present dynamics and to experiment with change.

Mindfulness is one of the most powerful tools in couple’s psychotherapy. Externally focused mindfulness allows the therapist to notice the subtle messages each partner unconsciously communicates to the other directly from their implicit beliefs and models of the self, relationships and the world.

Internally focused mindfulness allows clients to “act in” instead of “acting out” with each other.  It assists them to gently access and talk about deep levels of delicate material that underlie the repetitive patterns in which they become mired. They can step out of adversarial and into vulnerable and collaborative interactions.

Working experientially and somatically adds significant depth, impact and aliveness for therapist and client alike. In this workshop you will learn the principles and practical interventions that use present moment experience 1) to gently access unconscious characterological organization, and 2)  to explore and change core interactional patterns in couples relationships. 


Get Our Practical Course in Experiential Psychotherapy with Couples Today

Click the button to get the training program now and start working more deeply and more efectively. The opportunity is right here, right now... You just need to take it. Carpe Diem!


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